
Personal blog hideout to share code and stuff with others.

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My latest posts

Swapcode.Episerver.AuditLog is now available in Episerver NuGet feed (9/5/2020) - What is it and what it does? Keep reading to find out. In my previous blog post I wrote about how to write the content security changes to Episerver ‘Change Log’ (activity log) and then administrators can view and filter those changes in the out-of-the-box view. The actual code required for this is really simple […]
Episerver activity log with custom content security activity (7/6/2020) - In this post I will show you how you can create a custom content security activity and store that to Episerver activity log (change log) when access rights are changed in Episerver. This blog post was inspired by the fact that there is no out of the box audit log about content access rights changes […]
Episerver Content Delivery API new feature and options (3/22/2020) - If you missed the Episerver update 296 release notes or the Episerver Features February 2020 announcement – then this post is for you, because you have missed some important information about Episerver Content Delivery API. So keep on reading.. Episerver Content Delivery API new feature: support for local blocks Before version 2.9.0 of Content Delivery […]