EPiServer, Episerver Ascend

Summary from Episerver Ascend 2019 Miami

Episerver Ascend 2019 Miami was held in 27th-29th of October, in a “luxury” hotel Fontainebleau in Miami Beach Florida, USA. This post is more images than textual content and definitely doesn’t contain any code samples (other than the famous ‘PropertyLotteryAttribute’ from CodeMania presentation).

Ascend Miami 2019


I arrived to the location in the evening of 26th of October and basically just hit the bed immediately upon arriving to the hotel as my time was over 2am versus the local time 8pm.

26th October, Partner day

Sunday was mainly about event registration, education services (Episerver CMS and Commerce certification exams) and Partner day.

Episerver Ascend registration


Ascend schedule
Partner day
Asecend hall – way to all the session locations
Mojito while on break
After Mojito I really saw a couple of lizards by the hotel pools 😀

27th October, Ascend 2019 really starts

Day started with breakfast and partner Expo. Episerver Chief Product Officer Justin Anovick opened the Ascend with first keynote and also invited all EMVPs on the stage.

Next on stage was Deane Barker and also little Oprah joke was introduced, look whats under your chair.. well everyone participating to the Ascend got a free copy of his latest book: Real World Content Modeling.

During the day there were a lot of interesting sessions and I had difficulties to pick the ones to attend to, all were so interesting ones. I attended for example to Tracking events in Insight by Episerver Jonas Bergqvist, Extending Episerver’s content delivery API by Alf Nilsson, The Future Might Be Distributed by Deane Barker, Code Mania session by Allan Thraen and Fredrik Haglund and few other sessions.

Code Mania – PropertyLotteryAttribute 😀

In the evening there was the cocktail reception in the partner village sponsored by Valtech.


28th October, Ascend day 2

Day started with breakfast & Expo. Followed by Welcome session by Episerver CMO Jessica Dannemann.

Day #2 keynote was by Amy Purdy. Her speech was a non-technical keynote, nothing to do with IT, BUT oh-boy what a survival story. After her keynote the crowd stood up and kept clapping their hands. Good that the room was dark, because otherwise you might have seen a teardrop in the corner of my eye 😉 I really encourage you to Google her story up and see the impossible she has done in snowboarding and even in the show called ‘dancing with the stars’ (see youtube for those episodes).

Some sessions that I took part were the Episerver Driven by AI: Autonomous content creation and auditing by Patrick Van Kleef and Brian Weeteling – proof of concept on creating content and auditing it just by using AI, Content considerations for developers by Jeroen Stemerdink – simple things every developer should think of when creating Episerver sites, Episerver Commerce Roadmap, deep dive to Episerver Personalization Algorithms, Developing on the Episerver cloud platform in 2020 and beyond.

And then there were the Episerver Web, Partner & EIC Awards 2019 – congratulations to all the winners!

Oh and there was this Final Night Party at LIV nightclub sponsored by Niteco.

Shiny dancer

EMVP Summit

Following the Episerver Ascend Miami there was the EMVP Summit in a top-secret location and top-secret agenda. Cannot tell You about the content but it was 2½ days intense set of important things about current and future Episerver plans. Personally I was most interested about the insights about the .Net core plans and it just might be that EMVPs got a pre-preview of the .Net core implementation (and we are expected to give feedback).

EMVP mansion
EMVP mansion pool
EMVP boat 😀
EMVP session(s)
Re-fueling in between sessions
Different kind of soccer
EMVP swag 😀
EMVP VIP seating during Ascend Miami


*** updated 2019-12-07, thanks J-M, Amy Purdy Twitter link corrected (was pointing to Jessica Dannemann account).