EPiServer, EPiServer Add-On

Swapcode.Episerver.AuditLog is now available in Episerver NuGet feed

What is it and what it does? Keep reading to find out.

In my previous blog post I wrote about how to write the content security changes to Episerver ‘Change Log’ (activity log) and then administrators can view and filter those changes in the out-of-the-box view. The actual code required for this is really simple and not hard to copy paste to your project – but why You should need to do that when the code can be packaged to a NuGet package and shared from Episerver NuGet Feed.

So here you go, the code is now available as a NuGet package named Swapcode.Episerver.AuditLog in Episerver NuGet feed. All you need to do is add the Episerver NuGet feed configuration to your Visual Studio configuration or add it to your solutions NuGet.config file. Then you can easily install it to your project from Visual Studio package manager console or from solution/project context menu.

What it does?

When a user has changed access rights in Episerver for content then an event is triggered in the system which this add-on is listening and then writes the change to Episerver ‘Change Log’ (activity log :D). Then these changes can be viewed in the ‘Change Log’ – sometimes there are these questions “Who changed the access rights to this content?” but out-of-the-box that information is nowhere to be seen.

New category ‘Content security’ added and Action filters.

When the package is installed a new category ‘Content security’ is added to the ‘Category’ filter and when selected then the ‘Action’ dropdown will show the possible additional action filters.

Sample listing of audit log entries.

So now when an administrator gets a request about who changed the access rights they can easily view that from the change log (activity log).

Is it really an audit log?


Why? Because activities are not stored forever (neither the archived ones). Please read the Episerver documentation about ‘Activity Log’ and how you can configure it. So for example if you would like to keep the activities archived for 3 years then you would need to add or modify existig attribute named ‘activityArchiveRetentionPeriod’ in web.config, applicationSettings section below the episerver section and set the value to 36 (meaning 36 months => 3 years ;P). At the moment of writing the configuration information is missing from the documentation on the applicationSettings configuration reference documentation but maybe that gets added soon (pinged the authors responsible for the documentation).

Is it free? Is it open source?

Yes and Yes.

You can find the sources from my GitHub repository.

Closing comments

I initially wanted to support Episerver version 10.10.4 as it has the IActivityRepository required by this implementation (note: that was released in 30 Aug, 2017) BUT then later on there were also changes to the class EPiServer.Web.InitializationModule – it used to be in assembly EPiServer but was later moved to EPiServer.Cms.AspNet assembly in version 11.1.0 (released Nov 21, 2017) and this created an issue for me to support 10.10.4 version as I would need to have two NuGet packages with different dependencies.

So my decision was easy, the 10.10.4 was released 3 years ago and You should not be running that old version anymore! If you really need the functionality on such old version then copy paste code is your solution 😉

So the minimum version supported by the package is 11.1.0 (dependecy to EPiServer.CMS.AspNet package version 11.1.0) and .NET Framework 4.6.1.

Activity log, CMS, EPiServer, Episerver 11

Episerver activity log with custom content security activity

In this post I will show you how you can create a custom content security activity and store that to Episerver activity log (change log) when access rights are changed in Episerver.

This blog post was inspired by the fact that there is no out of the box audit log about content access rights changes and often it is a requirement in customer projects that the changes are logged. Episerver IContentSecurityRepository exposes events of changes and we are interested of the ContentSecuritySaved event where we get the information what content the change is about and what changes were done. So in projects we can have an audit logger (log4net) that we use to log these changes or have custom DB table where we store this information but then we need to implement a custom view to see the entries or the audit log is only available to developers or if Application Insights is used then those entries can be seen there (but there is a drawback with Application Insights, it is not preserved enough long).

But what we could do is have a custom Episerver activity and then store the access rights changes to Episerver activity log (well it is called ‘Change log’ in admin view). And the people with admin view access can see the changes in the log using the built-in ‘Change log’ view. NOTE! read the activity loggin developer instructions and configuration – activity log entries are kept for one month and then archived for 12 months by default. In the admin view you can view the archived entries but if you need longer than 12 months retention then you must change the configuration.

Custom activity code

The code needed is quite simple – we need a custom activity class to present the activity in the log (or category), enum to hold different actions related to the activity and an initialization module to register the activity and hook to the IContentSecurityRepository ContentSecuritySaved event.

Action type enum

Here is the enum used as the different actions related to our custom activity. The enum values map to the same values used on EPiServer.Security.SecuritySaveType, as this was fast way not to try to invent my own actions – we are logging the access rights chnages after all.

namespace EpiAuditLogging.Web.Features.AuditLogging
/// <summary>
/// Content security action type (maps directly to <see cref="EPiServer.Security.SecuritySaveType"/>).
/// </summary>
public enum ContentSecurityActionType
// same as EPiServer.Security.SecuritySaveType
None = 0,
RecursiveReplace = 1,
RecursiveModify = 2,
Modify = 3,
Replace = 4,
ReplaceChildPermissions = 5,
MergeChildPermissions = 6

Custom ContentSecurityActivity

This is the custom activity class we use. The dictionary passed in the constructor is the data that is going to be logged to the activity log.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using EPiServer.DataAbstraction.Activities;
namespace EpiAuditLogging.Web.Features.AuditLogging
public class ContentSecurityActivity : Activity
/// <summary>
/// Name of this activity (used for example to register this activity).
/// </summary>
public const string ActivityTypeName = "ContentSecurity";
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance using the given action type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">What kind of action was done, <see cref="ContentSecurityActionType"/>.</param>
public ContentSecurityActivity(ContentSecurityActionType action) : base(ActivityTypeName, (int)action, new Dictionary<string, string>(0)) { }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance using the action type and dictionary containing the data that will be logged.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">What kind of action was done, <see cref="ContentSecurityActionType"/>.</param>
/// <param name="extendedData">The data in dictionary that will be logged to the activity log.</param>
public ContentSecurityActivity(ContentSecurityActionType action, IDictionary<string, string> extendedData) : base(ActivityTypeName, (int)action, extendedData) { }

Custom initialization module

And finally we need an initialization module to register our custom activity and hook to the access rights changed event. NOTE! the code that registers the activity uses Episerver internal API from EPiServer.DataAbstraction.Activities.Internal.IActivityTypeRegistry but I hope this will be moved to public API so that we don’t loose our sleep if they suddenly would decide to make it internal or make other changes to the signatures. You have been warned 😀

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using EPiServer.DataAbstraction;
using EPiServer.DataAbstraction.Activities;
using EPiServer.DataAbstraction.Activities.Internal;
using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Framework.Initialization;
using EPiServer.Logging;
using EPiServer.Security;
namespace EpiAuditLogging.Web.Features.AuditLogging
public class AuditLogInitializationModule : IInitializableModule
private static readonly ILogger Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(AuditLogInitializationModule));
private IActivityRepository _activityRepository;
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
// just DEMO CODE – separate catches just to log the details what really happened
// and return used in each catch just to be able to switch the order or if something is later added
// if there is an Exception we should not continue any execution because the dependencies are not working
// register the custom ContentSecurityActivity and the action types
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("Failed to register ContentSecurityActivity and action types.", ex);
_activityRepository = context.Locate.Advanced.GetInstance<IActivityRepository>();
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("Failed to get IActivityRepository service.", ex);
var repo = context.Locate.Advanced.GetInstance<IContentSecurityRepository>();
repo.ContentSecuritySaved += ContentSecuritySaved;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("Failed to register content security saved handler.", ex);
public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
var repo = context.Locate.Advanced.GetInstance<IContentSecurityRepository>();
repo.ContentSecuritySaved -= ContentSecuritySaved;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("Failed to uninitialize the content security saved handler.", ex);
private void ContentSecuritySaved(object sender, ContentSecurityEventArg e)
// what access rights changes were made, target can be user or group (including visitor groups if those are set to be usable to protect content)
var permissions = e.ContentSecurityDescriptor?.Entries?.Select(entry => $"{entry.EntityType}: {entry.Name} access level set to: {entry.Access}.");
string creator = e.ContentSecurityDescriptor.Creator; // this is always null/empty, why?
string userFromContext = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name; // this is guranteed to return a valid principal
string msg = $"Access rights changed by '{userFromContext}' (creator value: '{creator}') to content id {e.ContentLink}, save type: {e.SecuritySaveType}. Following changes were made: {string.Join(" ", permissions)}";
// just log for reference in the demo
// the logged data to activity log
// you could have multiple keys for example to format the data in the 'change log' view
Dictionary<string, string> activityData = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "message", msg }
// ContentSecurityActionType uses same values as SecuritySaveType so just casting from e.SecuritySaveType
var activity = new ContentSecurityActivity((ContentSecurityActionType)e.SecuritySaveType, activityData);
var result = _activityRepository.SaveAsync(activity).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Logger.Information($"New activity saved with id: {result}.");
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("Failed to handle content security saved event.", ex);
private void RegisterContentSecurityActivity(IActivityTypeRegistry activityTypeRegistry)
if (activityTypeRegistry == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(activityTypeRegistry));
// this is similiar code that the Episerver implementations use to register the activities
// NOTE! The enum value None, value zero is excluded from the list as the UI will never show that
// in the dropdown filter in 'change log' view, assumed to be filter that shows all
// so remember not to use the value zero in your type for anything that 'means' something
ActivityType activityType = new ActivityType(ContentSecurityActivity.ActivityTypeName,
from ContentSecurityActionType x in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ContentSecurityActionType))
where x != ContentSecurityActionType.None
select new ActionType((int)x, x.ToString()));
// the implementation calls AddOrUpdate so it is safe to always call it
// the backing type currently is ConcurrentDictionary not database

Localizing the activity ‘category’ and action types

The activity ‘category’ and ‘action’ filters in the ‘Change log’ view can be localized using the default XML based localization.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<language name="English" id="en">
<description>Content security</description>
<!– ContentSecurityActionType –>
<recursivereplace>Recursive replace</recursivereplace>
<recursivemodify>Recursive modify</recursivemodify>
<replacechildpermissions>Replace child permission</replacechildpermissions>
<mergechildpermissions>Merge child permission</mergechildpermissions>

Wrapping up

Now we can view the access rights changes and filter by action in Episerver admin view under the ‘Change log’.
